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Starting out as a Freelance Writer and Writing for Profit

The Work. Becoming a well paid freelance writer is something that many people aspire to yet few actually achieve. That said, however, there are numerous opportunities for even the unqualified hobby writer to earn and profit from their work online. Recent years have seen an explosion in the volume of content that is being published via the various media and consequently the number of opportunities that now exist for writers worldwide. Companies may source content from around the globe and writers are able to find a wider market for their talents in the digital age. What most people really want to know is simply how to get started and this article aims to help you prepare yourself for part time work as a freelance writer.

Skills. Do you have the necessary skills? A qualification in journalism, English or research is a great help when it comes to writing online but is by no means a pre-requisite. Websites and businesses require a huge range of written content where experience and knowledge are of far greater value. Style can be refined over time and lack of a formal writing qualification should not exclude you from work. Writers would normally be expected to have a good understanding of grammar, spelling and expression, although for certain roles such as moderator or news writer this may not be of the highest importance.

Realistic Expectations. Are you prepared to work for what may be relatively modest rewards? The opportunities presented by the internet may be a double edged sword for some writers. Where web publishing has created new opportunities for the writer it has also enabled writers to compete for work around the globe and now a large amount is outsourced to overseas writers and workers. Minimum offers listed at writing websites may seem low to some users but they are intended to reflect the global market. Higher fees represent reward for greater knowledge and suitability or, in the event of co/self-publishing, good advert performance and popularity of written work.

Choosing your specialist topics. Most web writers have to be able to turn their hand to writing about a huge variety of subjects, enthusing about a holiday location one day, examining local history the next and reviewing a common household product the day after that. Many writing jobs could be completed just as easily by the next writer but some written articles, ads and copy require an in depth specialist knowledge of a particular subject. It is here that the individual writer has the chance to shine and create work that will be in demand from and valued by publishers. The key to success lies in not attempting (and failing) to write an article where your knowledge of the subject is inadequate and your shortcomings will be quickly evident. Don't apply for a project on the technical intricacies of suspension bridges and other structures if you don't have substantial experience in bridge building and a degree in structural engineering. Conversely, if you have that degree but the project requires a basketball writer and you are averse to all sports then your lack of knowledge and enthusiasm will be obvious in any writing, regardless of how well it is structured and how good your spelling happens to be.

If you don't think that you have a specialist subject then think again. Many freelancers' specialist subjects lie in the landscape and life around them. For many projects they have a much greater local knowledge of their own town and surrounding area than the editor and publisher. A Spanish native is much better suited to writing an introduction to the culture and traditions of Spain than someone who has never visited the country before. A DJ's playlist with a few typos is of far more interest to a reader than Bob's home stereo playlist, even if Bob's spelling is impeccable.

Refining your Writing Style. Write some speculative articles to show to potential clients. If it is some time since you have written any piece of extended writing then write and keep rewriting articles relating to a few different topics in which you have a keen interest. Reviews / overviews of a particular place, author, book, album, musician or film are a good place to start. Be sure to read articles by writers who are already well established in their field. Read online features and news stories and take note of the writing styles.

When you are writing articles or other extended pieces, remember to be concise and to avoid convoluted sentences and confusing clauses. Stay on topic but include plenty of relevant facts, quotes, references and other additional material. Structure your article with a brief introduction, plenty of paragraphs containing your main content and a concluding section drawing together the major threads of your article.

If you want to write ads then start working on your marketing lines. Online advertising needs to be attention grabbing and able to convert viewers into shoppers and buyers. Be sure to research the type of advertising that is currently effective in the markets that you are interested in. Review the phrases and expression used in titles, product descriptions and calls to action. Get into the habit of reading your ads out loud and avoid an embarassing verbal faux pas. Research advertising industry terminology and various sites' ad requirements. Find out how many characters are allowed in different types of ads and how they will display in their various locations.

If you wish to make money from news reporting then try rewriting some recent news stories, starting with only a few key facts. Choose, reject and replace words and sentences until you feel that the language and tone are appropriate for the story yet compelling for readers.

Earn from your Writing. There are plenty of ways to earn some money from your freelance writing in the digital era. If you just want to write and sell your work on a project by project basis then you can join a freelance site and bid to work on a writing project in return for the fixed payment you state in your bid. Projects such as these normally require that full ownership of copyight in the work passes to the buyer. The advantage of this is that you receive payment as soon as your work is completed. The disadvantage is that you pass away all rights in the work and will receive nothing for its future use and re-use.

The alternative is to retain some rights in your work and co-publish or self-publish it instead. The advantage of this is that you are able to assemble a body of work that can provide you with an ongoing income stream. The major disadvantage is that your revenue will be very low in the early days until you have built up a portfolio of work that is popular or large enough to consistently attract readers and earn money.

The majority of writers will find their own paths to creating a useful and reliable source of revenue, undertaking some 'article writer for hire' work, co-publishing as a guest writer and self-publishing articles at their own site, all at the same time.

Whichever route you choose, don't become despondent if your initial attempts aren't entirely successful. Keep writing and we wish you the best of luck with your future writing career.

Article Ref : (Adapted from article first published at - 24th February 2008)

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Title : Starting out as a Freelance Writer and Writing for Profit

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